Kongevegen over Filefjell
Between Husum Hotel and Borgund Stave Church, you will find Kongevegen over Filefjell (The King’s Road), a unique collection of well-preserved road routes from different time periods. All the way back from King Sverre's time in the 12th century, transport between east and west has passed through the farm at Husum. From the hotel you can follow Sverrestigen on foot and experience how the main route went through this dramatic landscape until the end of the 18th century. Vindhellavegen, which still lies on high and impressive walls in the rugged terrain, was built about a hundred years later. Kongevegen over Filefjell was awarded the Beautiful Roads Award in 2014, and the generous European heritage prize Europa Nostra in 2017.
Borgund stavechurch
Husum Hotel lies within short distance from Borgund Stave Church, which is an international destination. The church was built around 1180, and is Norway's best preserved stave church. It has a wooden ship with a single-spire choir and adorned with animal ornamentation due to lush imagination and skilled craftsmanship.